Today Is The Last Day

Today is the last day.

The last day I will be called Pastor.

It’s been an incredible 30+ years doing exactly what I was called to do.

Four congregations, and 10+ with one of the best—

North Point.


One of my mentors once said that there is no greater title.

No greater title that you could put in front, or behind, your name.

To be called “Pastor” is a privilege. An honor. A calling. A gift.


To be a pastor shapes the way you think about yourself in the world. It means you are part of a people, a community, a group of imperfect sojourners who are part of God’s Great Redemptive Story.


To be a pastor means these people are your family. They are the people you walk with. Cry with. Rejoice with. And bring before the Throne. If you are able to stay with the same people long enough, you gradually realize that it’s not simply you that God is using to help form them, but it’s them that God is using to help form you. They aren’t the people that you are serving, they are the place where God is working.

And you get to be part of it. See every moment unfold.


As pastor I have seen many things through the years. Mostly, I have watched God at work, revealing his Good News of beauty and love and hope in Jesus Christ. I have seen what grace and mercy look like. Love and forgiveness feel like. I have watched God heal, speak and declare. I have seen power and weakness, suffering and pain, joy and resurrection. And each moment, each act of God

Has been part of the gift of being a Pastor.


For the last 10+ years Kareen & I have been blessed.

Blessed to serve and be part of North Point.

They are a community we care about.

A people we pray for.

A family we love.


Because of them our hearts are full.

And through them we’ve come to see,

Again, and again that

God is Good.


Today I am privileged to be a Pastor.

It’s a good day. I/we feel blessed.



Will be another day.

Tomorrow the Good Shepherd

Will open the gate to new pastures.

Tomorrow something else will begin.

And I am sure, that will be Good too.


But today, today—

I am a pastor.



